Tournament Website:
St Thomas Tournament Standings
All teams are guaranteed 3 games weather permitting. Headquarters will be at the Emslie Field (Pinafore Park).
The rules of Major League Baseball and the Ontario Baseball Association (OBA) will apply with the following notes:
1. OBA Line-up cards and score sheets will be used. Home team will be the official scorekeeper and visiting team will be the official pitch counter. The scorekeeper and pitch counter will sit together in a designated area where only they will be permitted. Lineups should be exchanged at least 10 minutes before game time.
2. Important – All coin tosses will be completed 30 minutes prior to the start of your game. Coin tosses will take place at the diamond at this time. A member of your coaching staff must arrive 30 minutes prior to your scheduled start time to take the coin toss. At the conclusion of the coin toss, the home team will be given the score sheet and away team will be given the pitch count sheet. Score sheets and pitch counts must be returned to the onsite convenor at the conclusion of your game. The team travelling the furthest will make the call on the coin toss. A designated coin toss area will be indicated at each park.
3. In case of rain/and or other delays the tournament schedule may be revised at the Convenor's discretion. A cell phone contact from each team will be required at registration.
4. Games will be 7 innings in length. Rule P7.3 m) A 7-inning game will be considered a complete game after 4 innings of play or 3 1/2 innings if the home team is ahead. No new inning will start after 1 hour and 45 minutes have elapsed from the time of the first pitch. The umpire should notify both teams and the scorekeeper of the time of the first pitch. The playoffs will have a time limit of 1 hour 45 minutes. Championship games will be 7 innings with NO time limit.
5. Tie games will be allowed to stand in pool play. There will be NO extra innings in pool play.
6. There will be no pre-game warm ups on the infields.
7. In all OBA games an 18 run mercy rule will apply after 3 innings (2 ½ if the home team is ahead), 15 run mercy rule will apply after 4 innings (3 ½ is the home team is ahead) and a 10 run mercy rule will apply after 5 innings (4 ½ if the home team is ahead).
8. The decision of the umpire(s) is final. Protests will be resolved on the field by the protest committee
9. The score of a forfeited game will be recorded as 7-0, and 5 innings for tie breaking purposes.
10. In case of ties in standings the following will be used RP7.4 Tie Breaker Rules
a. Where tie breaking rules are required, the following tie breaking rules will be used for each placement
i. Teams with a forfeit loss are ineligible for tiebreakers
ii. head to head record among tied teams;
iii. team with the smallest runs against ratio (runs allowed / number of defensive innings played) in
games among tied teams;
iv. team with the smallest runs against ratio (runs allowed / number of defensive innings played) in
all games;
v. team with the highest runs for ratio (runs scored / number of offensive innings played) in games
among tied teams;
vi. team with the highest runs for ratio ( runs scored / number of offensive innings played) in all
vii. coin toss
b. When there are 3 or more teams tied, the tiebreakers will exclude RP7.4(a)(ii). After the winner of that
tie breaker is determined, the tiebreakers will continue, if necessary, excluding RP7.4(a)(ii) as long as there
are 3 or more teams tied. When only 2 teams remain, the tiebreaker will start at RP7.4(a)(i).
11. Team registration process. Team numbers (4-digit #) will be needed. Teams must have copies of affiliate-approved or OBA-approved rosters with them, but do not have to leave a copy with the convenor. On site convenor will log the roster number at check-in before the team’s first game.
12. Managers and coaches are responsible for the conduct of anyone involved with their team throughout the tournament including coaches, players, and spectators.
13. St. Thomas Minor Baseball accepts no responsibility for any injuries, damages or losses to anyone during the tournament.
14. Teams are asked to retrieve foul balls hit during the game. No time will be added for any delays due to a lack of baseballs.
15. Teams are asked to conduct post game meetings off the field. Please gather all equipment and personal items as quickly as possible to keep the games on schedule.
16. The Official Score Keeper (home team) will inform the Home Plate Umpire of the Official Pitch Counter and Scorekeeper prior to the start of the game.
17. For Rep Tournament play, including Rep Elimination Tournament and Rep Play-Offs:
All pitch counts must be entered live-in-game using the Baseball Ontario Pitch Count App.
The Home Team is responsible for:
• Ensuring that both teams are correctly assigned to the game in the pitch count app prior to ground rules,
• Entering the pitch counts for both teams live in-game, using the Baseball Ontario Pitch Count App, and
• Submitting the game for approval immediately following the end of the game.
• The Home Team Manager is responsible for showing the submitted pitch count game to the on-site (park)
convenor within 15 minutes following the end of the game and providing them with the Game ID from the
• The on-site/park convenor will capture the Pitch Count Game ID for each game which will be collected
and to be submitted to the Baseball Ontario office by the tournament convenor at the completion of the
18. Coaches shall sign the official game sheet immediately following the conclusion of the game acknowledging the Pitch Counts of the pitchers used during the game. In the event of a discrepancy in numbers, the pitch counts of the official pitch counter shall stand. In the event a coach fails to sign the game sheet, the pitch counts recorded will be considered official and no appeal or protest of the numbers will be allowed at a later time. It is recommended that coaches initial the pitch count of a pitcher as recorded by the official pitch counter immediately upon a pitching change.